Save the ol’ girl from the scrap heap!

Save the ol’ girl from the scrap heap!

She’s been with us for 18 years and was here before us, but Betsie is getting a bit unreliable and has given up a few times lately. She refused to see out the job of putting the nets out (sounds like one of the sons!) and she has been coughing a bit and has the odd leak (a fairly regular one actually), so we think she needs a bit of a session in intensive care. Pity Dave’s multitasking doesn’t quite extend to tractor mechanics, but the ol’ girl really does need some work. So we have put together a save the tractor fund and any contributions will be gratefully accepted.

The thing is when you donate you get some delicious wine sent free to your door – that’s a win-win if you ask me. Any wine order will contribute to her upkeep, but we have taken an extra $10 off our special mixed case for this week only to help you rationalise your wine spending. AND we are releasing our superb 2008 Reserve at a special first offer price of $270 per 6 pack (save $10 off per bottle). So hop in quick – one week only! And a big thanks from Betsie!

Hope you have a great week and hopefully you’ll have some wine arriving at your door soon!