11 Feb MOOMBAKI and The GFC
In our current economic climate things are pretty tough, but there are a couple of positive things to keep in mind. Interest rates are going down and it’s always better to pay less to the bank!
Actually now I think of it, I think the reserve bank wants us to drink more wine, because every time they drop the interest rates by 1% they are saving the average Australian family about $250 per month (based on a $300K loan)!!
Which just happens to be about the price of a case of great wine! And as Max Allen said in his recent article in The Australian we all need to work a little harder in overcoming the wine glut. We just need to drink a little more local, a little more often! Now I’m sure we can all help out there!
I also loved Ruth Ostrow‘s comments about not getting too downtrodden about the current financial woes, and remembering the important things like having a bit of fun (and the resulting feel-good chemicals that get produced). She must have said the right thing to her dinner companion, as he shouted them a bottle of vintage Dom Perignon to share! (which frankly might have been overdoing it!)
Yes, let’s drink to life and enjoy each other!