
Work has been continuing on Dave's recycled and reclaimed shed. Nearly all the materials were sourced from the farm or the tip, with some timber posts cut from the neighbours. So now the vineyard has the proper space for storing the nets and the tractor....

What do you do when you have loads of pears & plenty of left-over reds? Get out the Vacola jars and do some old-fashioned bottling. Our beurre bosc pear tree was loaded with fruit this year, so we made the most of by preserving the...

This season we had a very dry winter resulting in earlier bud-burst by 7 to 10 days. Fortunately good rains in early summer provided some relief. Mild conditions during flowering provided good fruit set. Early canopy management has eased the disease pressure following the 2...

The Old Pantry is an exciting new restaurant next-door to the Butter Factory on Mt Shadforth Rd, Denmark. Jiri Srutka is the passionate chef and he sources all his produce locally (and I mean within a 5 to 50km radius), and he is causing much...

As promised, we compiled all the entries in our Christmas raffle, dutifully placed the corresponding raffle numbers in a container, shook it up and asked middle son Oliver (the most responsible!) to draw the winning entry. Tah Daaah! And the winner is Debbie Payne from...

The MOOMBAKI Bordeaux blend has attracted quite a following over the years. It's close to our hearts - all handpicked fruit from our estate grown vines, carefully monitored over the growing season, matured in the best fine-grained French oak for 24 months, and exhibiting lovely...

This Saturday 16th October the Hyatt will be hosting a Great Southern Riesling and Shiraz Dinner at Gershwin's - an excellent opportunity to try some of the region's finest wines matched with beautiful food. Winemakers will be on hand to present the wines, with the...

A big thankyou to all of you for supporting last months' Museum Wines Draw . . . We had a fantastic response which we are really chuffed about. When it came time to drawing the winning entry, we popped all the lucky numbers in a container...

Making it through 10 years of producing grapes and growing a wine label feels like a major achievement, especially as there have been some pretty tough times thrown in there as well! Producing fantastic fruit has kept us on track and continually meeting new people who...